Wed 7 Jan, 2009 05:34 pm
i regularly visit bogs that have cool music links
so i'm gonna link them as i come across new stuff
The Never Ending Internet Mixtape
really cool site, puts up semi-regular mixes, nice variety
Dan Schwartzblog
new site, only one mix so far, but it's a cool looking world music mix
The Catbirdseat
the little blog that became an indie label, you can podcast the monthly mixes
back with more on a regular basis
found a new mix blog today
the mixes i'm checking out so far are amazing
heavy on the mid 80's early 90's indie pop
Box Set Go
Hi DJ - I will get to these, I'm just currently discovering how great blogs are for tracking down ripped versions of my vinyl - saving me a ton of time and letting sleep with a clear conscience. So much music so little time.....
Nice idea for a thread- very appreciative that you're posting these here. Thank you.
Have you seen jwz mixtapes? wildly eclectic alt/indie stuff apparently posted by someone who pays attention to what gets played at the DNA lounge in Sanfran.
have to check that out
boy did i ever drop the ball on this thread, regular updates?, and nothing in a year, oops
went looking for a place I could visit while listening to late night music on our local radio station... and this was the only place I could find.. relating to music... all because I wanted to see if I could find someone else in the same boat as me.. unable to sleep, so turned the radio on... and have been pleasantly surprised... it's called 'super radio network.. or is it 'radio super network'? who cares... they are playing the old favourite classics... (is that a tautology?)
I usually don't turn the radio on much at all these days, preferring to play a cd, that way I have the choice of what I listen to. Usually I don't want someone else to pick what I listen to, and it has been such a long time since I listened to radio music I'm enjoying the randomness of someone else being in control, if you get my meaning. It's nearly 4am and I think I've accomplished what I set out to do... checked all of the A2K new posts, new topics, and Popular, and hopefully ought to be tired enough to get back to sleep. If I haven't made any sense that's okay.. the song "Daniel" is on now... gee it's been ages since I last heard that song. (drillersmum in Austalia)