Sun 14 Dec, 2008 05:45 pm
They are putting wreaths on all the graves.
My wife's father is out there, and also a guy I worked with. We try to get out there on a regular basis.
Gram and I will be taking the wreath for my Grandfather as soon as the weather breaks, ed.
(he is not in a military cemetary, but is a vet)
I keep getting emails from companies wanting to cremate me. I hope they don't know something I don't.
My parents' graves are in a VA cemetery. If someone or some people are putting up wreathes, that's ok with me. I might, as a crabapple, work up angst re imposition of wreathes re the beliefs of the buried, but not today.
I didn't visit there in a routine way, after they were buried, but I did; not usually on holidays. I worked across from that cemetery not long before my father's death, and heard taps through my lab window (had that lab in, what, '65 - sometime in '67). My father died in '68. Usually the taps were at 10 a.m., if I remember. Dolorous, even before he died, dolorous.
There are some piquances to all that, for me, not to explain here, but for all.
edgarblythe wrote:
I keep getting emails from companies wanting to cremate me. I hope they don't know something I don't.
Hoping they don't make plans before your time.
Seriously, it is nice to see the recognition of your service men and women.
Oh well, I was in my forties when AARP began hounding me to join up.