would you buy a car from a company in bankruptcy? and whod sell them any parts if the parts mfrs were already screwed by the bankruptcy ref.
The bridge loan to the car mfrs would be based upon
1steep concessions from the Unions, with no collective bargaining until at least 5 years after the companies are once again solvent.
2The managements of the companies need trimming and more creativity building.
The problems have been that noone wantes to buy Big 3 cars (they will buy trucks and SUVs) The poor quality perception is a myth (as seen by J D Powers ).
Americans have been the very tools of our own industrial destruction so maybe we should all suffer like gunga wants. Cause if the car companies go the way of bankruptcy, they will trickle down into a huge base industry and commercial health (not to forget that most of our stock based IRAs and 401 K's are still industrial based). My 401 has been almost halved in the present meltdown, if we go into a full depression we will all probably be penniless, and that will mostly be driven by lack of action., especially if this whole thing gets even more partisan.
The big kahoona for the "Monetization Act of 2000" has driven us to a brink, now the subordinate lenders , including the car company "banks" are teetering. We can thank Mr Gramm for birthing it and Bill Clinton for signing that piece of crap.