Sun 14 Sep, 2003 05:07 pm
My drain line clogged Friday. I went and got an auger and snaked it out. It drained alright for a few hours, then clogged again. The auger is very heavy, but I put some boards down and rolled it into my truck a second time, then unloaded it the same way. This time I snaked the line repeatedly. It appeared to be clear. Saturday morning, it was clogged once more. "When can I wash laundry?" asked my wife. "I don't know," I replied. "I haven't showered yet," she said. "You will soon be able to," I soothed. Taking my trusty shovel, I went out and began digging. The tree roots were tough - I broke the shovel. To cut it short, I spent most of both Saturday and Sunday digging. The former residents had patched the old drain line in numerous places with the sort of patchwork that is guaranteed to fail, so it was necessary to uncover forty feet of line to fix it right. My arms hurt too much to move all the dirt back, though I did get the line covered up. "Got it fixed," my wife said brightly. "Don't forget, after we get cleaned up you have to go with me to Mother's to move that big television."
And, how was your week end?
well Edgar, yesterday was my wife's birthday, and daughter came to visit. A typical family birthday. gifts were unwrapped. Wife & daughter went downtown shopping, i waited in the car and read the paper. Then we went to a pub for lunch & spent we spent the afternoon listentin to music.
They don't like rock & roll or the blues very much.
Today took daughter home as she also had to work. Meant driving thru inner city London, a total madhouse, traffic, people, traffic, drunks, traffic & a total madhouse. I love the place, but it's nice to be home.
Sounds nice. Oh, well; at least I too can get back to normal til next week end - Then we'll see how it goes.
I had a great band rehearsed which makes me happy for hours after......other than that however a guy three times my size tried to pick a fight with me over my lip piercings and I backed him down in front of his friends..... squinney isn't speaking to me....and I'm trying to get ready for Isabel...but the good news is I am about to leave to do my Sunday night karaoke show and listen to the same drunks butcher the same songs as last week...and the week before.....and the week before.....and the week get the idea.
Could be worse, I don't even own a yellow power
At least I still have my health and my good looks...
Good going, bear. I envy your musical life and admire the other things I know about you.
Sounds like a tough weekend Edgar. I actually had a very uneventful relaxing weekend. For the first time in a long time I actually didn't have anything to do, so I took full advantage of it and did nothing but putt around my computer.
At least I have the serenity to know that when I flush it all goes where it should from now on.
Awwwwwww Edgar! How I loathe that goddammed rotarooter!
Now I am feeling guilty abt my weekend.
Though I have to admit, my arms did get tired, but that was only due to packing for my trip....
I don't begrudge others doing what I would like to have done. Enjoy every chance you get is my motto.