Tue 8 Jul, 2008 07:23 pm
I just really feel i need to say a MASSIVE thank you to A2K, and more importantly the members that make it so great.
I've been a member for 4 years now I think, and I owe an awful lot to this site and the way it has shaped me.
Its given me a platform for my thoughts, its given me honest responses to my worries, and it's put me straight a good few times too.
The internet has been bad in many respects, but i consider the freedom to express ones feelings and readily meet and talk with like minded people in forums such as these one of its greatest assets.
Thank you Able2Know!
For me, it has moved way beyond just a web site.
Cant 'splain .. dont think I need to
A2K is more effective than brain surgery for getting rid of misconceptions and narrow-minded thinking.
at the least , it's a good friend proving to you daily that you matter and are worthy of sharing passionately held opinions, intimate as well as silly thoughts
I share everyone's thoughts here, I think it is a marvellous site for being able to communicate and exchange views with people all over the world.
Ditto for me, but to piggy-back on the idea, I've been fortunate to have met many of the a2k members through get togethers in London, Lippstadt, Chicago, Austin, the Big Island (Hawaii) and San Francisco.
Will be planning for our Third San Francisco Gathering in the Summer of 09, so please put it on your calendar and come!
It is like a small city, with neighborhoods and bizarres and the like. Here we can exchange views, make friends - It's just a wonderful place. I would be lost without a2k.
you're not lost, edgar. I see you over there!
Did you notice I don't have on my sox?
But if you look again, you'll see that you have your shoes on. Sox is an option.
Hi, CI. Going to check out now. Good night all.
A2K folk mean the world to moi. 'Nuff said
A2K has filled a great void in my life.
When I retired in 2002 and moved from California, where I had lived all of my life in the San Francisco Bay area, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, I didn't know anyone there. I left life-long friends and my two children, a super-active and fulfilling life into one of isolation, primarily because of the limitations my disabilities. I have lovely neighbors, but not much in common with them as far as my life-long interests. I've met some interesting people that I enjoy but am not able to participate in many of their activites because of my walking limitations.
One of the first things I did was to get myself a dog, and then a second one. They are my loving companions and fill my days with laughter and doggie kisses. Also lots of doggie poops in the back yard.
One of my best friends, whom I met in a constitutional law class, moved from Albuquerque to North Carolina last year. I miss her very much as had so much fun, including going to concerts. Dyslexia and Diane have been life savers in my hunger for intelligent conversation. They are great company.
I'm describing my situation because A2K has done more than anything else to fill the void in my transplanted life. I feel like I gained a family to make up for what I lost in my migration. This family consists of intelligent people, compassionate people, fascinating people, borderline wacko people, provocative people, infuriating people, funny people, boring people, even a crazy aunt in the attic-type people. Just like in real families.
Some A2Kers get annoyed because I cut and paste lots of articles that interest me and I hope would interest others. I have few people around me to share and discuss them. I hope I've not bored my new A2K family. You've certainly not bored me.
Has anyone else found themselves in a situation similar to mine where A2K has been a help?
A2K helps in so many ways. I can't believe between Abuzz and A2K that it's been since 1999 in total that I've been plugging away.
BBB: You're reply about your life is good stuff. People's lives and trials and tribulations are always of interest to me 'cause I'm always learning through others. Life is never easy and, if it were, it'd be pretty boring (though I could use a tad more boringness, perhaps).
When I feel like reading those C&P articles of yours, I can always go back and read. Good thing -- 'cause they're always there.
I cut and paste a lot, because, as ragman points out, the article can go away, but not my post.
Friends, family, fart jokes.
A2K has it all.
Ragman, I cut and past because when I first joined A2K, I only included the source URL. Problem was that news articles remain available for only a short time. People kept asking me to find the article again. I spent hours searching, sometimes without success. News sources started archiving their articles and often charged a fee for them or you had to be a subscriber. So I gave up and just cut and paste.
I've noticed that the people who complain the most about my cutting and pasting do so because they disagree with my topic choices and their content. They don't complain about cutting and pasting by those they agree with. So poo poo on them.
It has been a sociological expedition. Unfortunatly, only those that are comfortable sitting down at a keyboard participate. And, it does give one a good insight into the mindset of some polar opposite views. It might be the next best thing to being a fly on the wall.