Mon 18 Nov, 2002 08:25 pm
I have smoked a pipe off and on for years. Most pipes I have bought aren't "good" names. I recently came into some good pipes. They smoke just like the others. Other than appearance, I notice no difference. Is there a difference? Thanks.
I only notice the difference by the scent since I dont smoke a pipe.

I however am a great admirer of a good pipe or fine cigar even being smoked. What you smoke it in is all up to your taste but, Im sure its like anything else, just depends on your likes and dislikes and how far you are willing to go <or spend> to be happy.
Hi Bermbits:
I wouldn't know if there's a difference or not, I just want to say I love the smell of pipe smoke, it's such a comfortable smell.
Now I can't say the same for cigar smoke, that's something that should be outlawed:)
bermbits, I've been a pipe smoker for years, and I do notice a difference between pipes, but that difference only occaisionally has anything to do with the cost of the pipe. Well cared for, allowed to "rest" between sessions, and kept clean (though don't scrape out too much "cake" ... its necessary), a good cheap pipe smokes as well as a good expensive pipe ... and some expensive pipes don't smoke as well as a "Missouri Meerscham" (corncob, for those who didn't know)
A Scotsman was once asked why he didn't smoke a pipe. He replied, "When the t'bacca is me own, I fret so for the cost I cannae enjoy the smoke, and when 'tis some other lad's, me damned bowl is packed so full it will nae draw"