TilleyWink, sorry about your fall, but I am glad to hear you are feeling better.
I think it is generally a good philosophy "not to borrow trouble"--not to worry about the possibility that things can go wrong, or that something
might happen in the future, particularly when it is something over which we have no control. All that kind of anxiety does is cloud the present and throw a damper on things. Why detract from the present by worrying about the future? Better to just postpone worrying until when and
if something actually happens. Right now, you don't need to have the surgery redone and it sounds like you're making good progress. That's wonderful. Just let yourself enjoy it, and the gains you are making.
Recently, I met a young woman (I think she was in her mid-20's) who had a heart transplant several years ago. Now, obviously, a heart transplant, and the anti-rejection medications one must continue to take afterward, can complicate one's life and one's health considerably. But this woman, who seemed to be doing very well health-wise, told me she worries, rather constantly, about how long she will live because of her transplant. I just looked at her and said, "And you could also be hit by a bus tomorrow". After giving me a rather startled look, she got my point and laughed.
We don't know, for certain, what the future might hold. If we worry about all the things that might happen to us, or health issues we
might have to deal with some day, we would all drive ourselves nuts. And, besides, no matter what we worry about, something else bad, we didn't even think of, could always come along and throw us a zinger--so worrying isn't even particularly accurate, because life has a way of suddenly tossing curve balls in our direction, giving us new things to worry about. Basically, worrying is a big waste of energy, and you need all of your energy right now.
Keep walking, and keep getting on that exercise horse. Do what you need to do for yourself now to get stronger, and note your gains. Figure out a painless way to lose those 10 pounds.
Worry about only those things which are a clear and present reality, and only if they are things you can possibly control, like how to try to prevent another bad fall ---or like how to lose those 10 pounds.
Take care.