maliyana wrote:It is really a pity that barbarian conquer the civilization .
what is the relation between culture and technology ? ?
I'm not sure I consider it a pity.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'd love the opportunity to learn.
I thought that when mongols conquered an area, they did not strip them of their culture. Instead, as long as they were acknowledged as the leader (in that revenues were paid to them), they had little interest in changing the locals way of life.
As the mongols traveled they carried with them parts of cultures already conquered. This resulted more in blendings, more than destruction.
In America, when Europeans came over the land, they dictated to the native people that things would be done the european way, or there would be death. Their lands were literally taken away from them, and they were left to find other places to live.
I thought the mongols, if a city gave in, didn't care that much about killing large numbers of people, just enough to let the rest know they were serious.
The mongols weren't particularly religious, in the sense I understand it, and didn't try to impose what beliefs they did have on others.
Am I wrong in all this?