Mon 12 May, 2008 04:06 am
Greetings folks. I just joined the forums and wanted to say hi.
Edit [Moderator]: Moved from Web Development & Design to General.
Good to have you llamafruit.
warm welcome to spammers.
Come in...... sit down........... spam us all..
we love that here
this is a stupid question - and though I have heard there are no stupid questions...this one really is...
what is a spammer?
someone who signs on to this site to only post links to a website.
most of the time the website is for porn , or medication.. all of which are set up to steal you rmoney if you give them your credit card or bank info..
Or.. they are just trying to promote their own site..
spam- unwanted advertisement
What has you thinking spam, wolfie?
I like eggs and toast with my spam, in case someone may be cooking some up. Oh, and some juice with that would be great :-D
person has only 2 posts...
one deleted
the other put in web development and design that is OFTEN the space for spammers to post their crap
and that opening line " Hi. I just joined.....blah blah blah" is typical of the spammers we have here
Ahhhhhh, I see. I've reported enough spam and you'd think I would have caught that, eh
I like my eggs over easy
Montana, I prefer my eggs fried up with corned beef hash, fried potatoes, whole wheat buttered toast and really strong coffee.
I want spam and boiled nene eggs and strong black coffee.
You mean, somebody actually eats that stuff?
JLNobody wrote:Montana, I prefer my eggs fried up with corned beef hash, fried potatoes, whole wheat buttered toast and really strong coffee.

That sounds good too JL. I'll have that next time ;-)
sglass, I bolied some eggs last night and that just may be my breakfast today
roger wrote:You mean, somebody actually eats that stuff?
I get a craving on occasion
Been over a year since my last, so I'm due