Fri 2 May, 2008 09:03 am
I heard everyone is leaving forever, and soon this place will be as silent as the tomb . . .
Will I have to depend on doggies Dolly and Madison to entertain me if everyone leaves A2K?
Are you dissin' yer own doggies ? ! ? ! ?
Aw Hell . . . when i click on new posts, Aunt Bee's post is the only one i see ! ! !
Sh*t . . . they must all be gone already . . .
If word gets out, i'll be virtual laughing stock . . . i've gotta get out before Aunt Bee leaves . . . i'm outta here ! ! !
Setanta wrote:Aunt Bee leaves . . . i
You done that on purpose?
Sure . . . this is just one a them goofball threads which is all the rage these days . . .
I just want you all to know that I am right here reading along
If everyone leaves then I will actually have to start posting for something to read.
this site is my recreation
I just got back in - gonna give me a complex if you all leave now dangit
All my bags are packed.
I'm ready to go...
It HAS been mighty dull around here....drama sovereign threads aside.
I like silence, I also like tombs. Maybe this will be a good thing.
so kiss me and smile for me
tell me that you'll wait for me
hold me like you'll never let me go....
mixes gas with oil
fills chainsaw gas tank
primes carb
switches ignition to on
engages choke
pulls starter
warms up saw
disengages choke
triggers up throttle
plantress wrote:so kiss me and smile for me
tell me that you'll wait for me
hold me like you'll never let me go....
Remember, plantress, that was written back when people used to dress up if they were flying - jet plane or no.
My body is walking in space
My soul is in orbit with God face to face
On a rocket to the fourth dimension . . .
Am I the only one who thought that when someone claimed to be leaving, it was a sort of game to see how long it would take them to come back?
And then how long it would take for them to leave again.
These things have cycles, Set, get used to it.
And for the goddess' sake, don't you leave. Where else would I learn about the History of Society, Including Wars and Plagues, The Invention of the Wheel, and Music, Parts I, II III, IV, V, and VI?
We need more threads on wars and plagues and Setanta is the guy to give them to us. I ain't leaving. Well, not for 5 or 10 minutes anyhow.
Get busy, Intrepid. Maybe two minutes left.
Um, oh yeah. Uh, um, err what do I do now?
Pull out your knitting. It could be a while.