Sat 5 Apr, 2008 03:51 pm
We had some really hot **** going via pm and the hamsters must have decided to terminate our fun before all hell broke loose.
Mame was taking **** off and I was moving forward in a predatory fashion.
And then.... the hamsters struck!
I was left with my blue jeans strained to the breaking point and Mame's screams of passion were carried away into cyberspace where they disappeared like tears in rain. (copyright: Bladerunner)
I am calm now. I feel satisfied.
But Mame is like a hellcat shredding her surroundings looking for something, anything, to sate her desire.
Pray for her.
I think you just couldn't take the heat, gus...and ran away!
Mame? And here I was thinking it would always be you and littlek until the end. I guess that's life though. Old dreams die and new ones arise, bittersweet, like gas from an old man's ass crack.
What a lovely analogy, Kicky. Thank for for that image.
Kicky, an older woman is like free lessons... :wink:
Rocky! I'm surprised at you.
samples please samples need to see these peoples skills at hot ****
Hey Mame, while Gus is gone--probably expelling some of that gas I was talking about...don't tell anyone, especially Gus, because it would probably embarrass him if anyone knew, but he stinks!--anyway, while he's gone doing god knows what in that bathroom of his--a place in which he spends the larger part of his waking life, by the way--anyway, while you're waiting for him to return, why don't you join me on the a2k rooftop with Eva and Brooke and a couple of the other girls? We're having a little nekkid rooftop crisco party.
Rockhead, why don't you get some dinner and then stop by later. When I get tired, I'll tag you in.
Okay, gotta go! The babes await!
Kicky, such an offer - how could I refuse!? Especially since Rocky'll be along later. I'm sure gus'll be quite some time in that bathroom, so... see you in a mo.
The next shift is waiting in the crib room.
once these girls taste my addictive prose you men will be all outta luck hey someone has to be an addictive nectar and that is me
husker wrote:once these girls taste my addictive prose you men will be all outta luck hey someone has to be an addictive nectar and that is me

Ok......Kicky's done for the day! I think Eva and Mame wore him out before I could get some!
C'mere Husker. :wink:
husker wrote:mmmmmmmmmmmmmm babes

You naughtly little husker, you! I may have to pull you into my web.
A touch, soft and tender.
A whisper, full of desire
A gasp of sweet surrender
As passion fuels the fire
Let me go log onto Second Life and you can tell me the rest of that in private.
of course if you dare darling
I am the sweetness,
the nectar from god,
that satisfies souls,
press your lips of silk
into my lips of honey and
taste the richness
and fullness of life itself