Sat 22 Mar, 2008 09:06 pm
Im soooooooo tired.
I need someone to warm the bed
I need someone to fight over covers with me
Im heading to bed now
feel free to join me
I smell a trick Question.
Where's the Irishman...
woo offer I've had in am long while.
I'm pretty good source of body heat too -- disproportionately warm for my size.
may i bring my best friend gregory?
Only if I can put my cold feet on you.
How much cash do you have?
I want to sleep with you, but not if Slappy is going to be there.
oh myyyyy..
what a precious little kitty
no way man.
i like the bed to myself.
SW, I was going to answer you after reading your introductory post--I was going to thank you: that was so good--but then I saw the photo of the cat, and thought to myself, Now THAT'S a really cute pussy.
(and the cat prolly don't snore) :wink:
Stray Cat wrote:
Is this you Stray Cat? Do you play scrabble?