Fri 21 Mar, 2008 07:17 pm
Just wondering.
Crawling with drunks. Supposedly one of the if not the hottest bar nights around.
I'm staying off the roads tonight!
I've no idea re some kind of wide phenomenon.
Took me by surprise here, when I went to the grocery store today it was chock full of people and traffic was heavy. Well, I'm much a stranger here, re mores.
Luckily, I stopped and bought a few plants and had a fine small talk with the sales person. Plants apparently not flying out the door today... anyway, communication across whatever chasm.
Damn Christian drunk drivers anyway...
Damn all these religious holiday's.
I don't know this town re a Good Friday night and any other Friday night. Will await report...
Halloween can get kind of nasty, but I haven't noticed anything about Good Friday. Too bad all the religious weren't atheists so they could get along like good Christians.
I got a little tipsy last night (Good Friday)- first time though.
My kids and a couple of friends took me out to dinner. They picked the place because it had steaks and seafood and they knew this friend liked steaks and I liked seafood- but none of us had ever been there before.
It was called something like "Ohanalan's" so we all thought it was like an Irish pub or something.
Well, we walk through the door and there's this sign that says, "Hippies go through the back door" pointing to the back exit. Well, I laugh and point at the sign and say, "Oh ****..." because though at this point I don't really look like a hippy - I know goes on in my mind and I pretty much feel like "FREE THINKER" might as well be written across my forehead.
Well, I look up to find this whole barful of men in cowboy hats staring at our little party, which for the first time I become consciously aware is comprised of a small white woman, three large black men (my son, his friend, and his friend's dad) and my daughter who looks Spanish. You could have heard a pin drop.
My daughter was saying, "Let's go mom."
I said, "Oh, come on...let's give it a try."
It was interesting - and a couple of glasses of wine made it downright fun. My son's friend's father was telling about this girl who came into the ER who said she'd gotten drunk "for Easter."
So I said, "Okay - drunk for Easter huh? Everyone celebrates differently, right?"
And I guess they do.

Nice one, Aidan.
So that's the real Easter Story then.
So Aiden's still trying to pass himself off as a woman and mother? How pathetic.
Look, i'm not angry, and i'm getting goddamned sick and tired of people saying so . . .
we actually had a slower night than usual last night... although the people who were there were drunk as was to be expected....
I used to work nights in a motel - with lounge attached. Sunday nights were the worst for drunks. Finally, the state allowed package sales on Sundays. That was a big improvement. Seems like the serious drinkers had to go public on Sundays, because they weren't capable of planning one day ahead to stock up on the booze.
I was gonna ask who the small white woman was. I see Set beat me to it.
I was supposed to get drunk last night?
Damn, now they tell me.
I've got a bottle of wine a colleague made that she thinks I've tried. I'm afraid to. I don't want to say anything about it (don't want her to think I didn't like it. don't want her to think I liked it - and offer more

well, i didn't think of the Good Friday as an excuse, but it works for me. Went drinking last night, why not. Littlek and Slappy were also in attendance, but I think I won.