It might depend on context. All that comes to mind is a male American Indian of the warrior class.
If you give the context, I might change my guess. The word is normally an adjective, but preceded by the indefinate article "a" it acts like a noun, which is what I base my original guess on. You can probably tell that this is not a very common use of the word.
By the way, if you highlight the words in yellow, they become readable without eye strain.
Re: Who is a brave ?!
Jorgi wrote:
I have a question and I want to know your views about it .
Who is a brave in your opinion?
Jorgi became able to put topics
Who is a brave
Person in your opinion?
Who is brave in your opinion
I think penny the hamster is brave. Penny travels all around the world learning about other cultures and countries. You can read about Penny the hamsters travels here.
Who is brave in your opinion?
Yes, I mean this sense !
Did you read about Penny The hamster jorgi?
[quote]If you give the context, I might change my guess. The word is normally an adjective, but preceded by the indefinate article "a" it acts like a noun, which is what I base my original guess on. You can probably tell that this is not a very common use of the word. [/quote]
Thank you !
I understand now ..
Women are brave. Women who leave their homes every day to face the world are brave in a quiet, unheralded way that men usually, completely fail to understand. Every woman who leaves her home to go out into the world to work, to pursue a profession, faces the possibility--sometimes remote, and sometimes very real and very present--that she will be the victim of violence, a possible target for physical abuse and for sexual abuse. Even those women who manage to live a life without being physically or sexually abused face societies which do not accord them a respect and rewards equivalent to those enjoyed by men who do the same work, who pursue the same professions. Even women who don't face physical violence face, often upon a daily basis, verbal and psychological abuse mere because of their gender.
Women are brave.
Yes, women are very brave.
Hammerin' Hank, perhaps the bravest of Braves...
Jorgi wrote:Quote:Did you read about Penny The hamster jorgi
Yes, I tried to read it but I can not understand on ..
I find difficult for me
Had hired another person to assist me in understanding on ...
Because the translation software translates text verbatim is not clear on
Penny is a toy who travels around the world to A2k people. Penny is helping people to get to know other countries.
You can look through all the posts to find pictures of penny's travels
This is penny in chicago
This is penny in New York.
Can you find more pictures?
Look at the pictures and imagine that you were Penny.
Setanta wrote:Women are brave. Women who leave their homes every day to face the world are brave in a quiet, unheralded way that men usually, completely fail to understand. Every woman who leaves her home to go out into the world to work, to pursue a profession, faces the possibility--sometimes remote, and sometimes very real and very present--that she will be the victim of violence, a possible target for physical abuse and for sexual abuse. Even those women who manage to live a life without being physically or sexually abused face societies which do not accord them a respect and rewards equivalent to those enjoyed by men who do the same work, who pursue the same professions. Even women who don't face physical violence face, often upon a daily basis, verbal and psychological abuse mere because of their gender.
Women are brave.
The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.
-- George Eliot
By the way Jorgi, George Eliot was a woman, who used that as her pen name. I think she was very brave.
Chai wrote:By the way Jorgi, George Eliot was a woman, who used that as her pen name.
Yes, her name was Mary Ann Evans. She was more courageous than many people know, as well. She was estranged from her family because she had abandoned biblical literalism, and the evangelical religious belief which had been important to her when she was young. More than that, she openly lived with a man, a philosopher named Lewes, and that meant that she was further cut off from society, because as a result, literary circles in London shunned her and Lewes.
Yes, she was a very courageous woman.
No, Jorgi, i do not find it easy to understand the ideas you are trying to express. For example, if you are attempting to say that women are already accepted in the world today, you have missed two points. One is that violent people, usually men, attack people whom they perceive as weak, usually women, on the simple principle that they don't want to attack people who are likely to fight back. So it appears you have missed completely the point that women are far more likely to be the victims of physical assault than men are, and the more so as there is a sexual motive.
You also seem to believe that women are accepted in a role outside the home. This is not true everywhere in the world, nor is it true that all the members of societies in which it appears to be common and accepted themselves accept this.
Frankly, i had so much trouble understanding your response, that i really have no good basis for replying to you.
I think Jorgi is brave.
Learning opens doors, behind which we can never be sure what will appear.
setanta ...
I have a lot of talk to say it but the problem is in the language !
Language make me not Understand you , and you don't understand what I want to say it about this subject !
Don't care!
Members understand you say !
I need more English language courses
I know that ... and I will try !