Sat 16 Feb, 2008 12:24 pm
The sound is soothing somehow...
is it a she? is she nekkid?
Dad, it's bear. Both woulda been stated if that was part of the deal. He is a giver that way...
and i ask for so little in return...
I had a friend whose mom vacuumed every night just after he went to bed. When I knew him in college, he had to have a vacuum or a fan running in his room so he could fall asleep. He went through Goodwill vacuums about once a month...
Wy wrote:I had a friend whose mom vacuumed every night just after he went to bed. When I knew him in college, he had to have a vacuum or a fan running in his room so he could fall asleep. He went through Goodwill vacuums about once a month...
We both know what he was really doing with that vacuume.