Wed 13 Feb, 2008 06:18 pm
I'm just sayin.
Oh, noooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Tell us more.
I hope you're not as mad as
this guy who called tech support at Dell to ask a simple question.
I'll lay low, and send smoke signals at cj....
Re: I am in a really bad mood
Chai wrote:I'm just sayin.
welcome to my world.... serves you right to suffer...
I am not alone in my suffering, I'll tell you that much.
i find that easy to believe...
Chai wrote:I am not alone in my suffering, I'll tell you that much.
Me too, Chai. I feel so lost, so crappy, so--ooh, Seinfeld's on!
I can't remember how long this bad mood of mine has been going on.... February isn't over yet, right?
The days are getting longer though.
Stray Cat wrote:I hope you're not as mad as
this guy who called tech support at Dell to ask a simple question.

the guy is ridiculous. poor dell customer service rep. anyway, that's off-topic, sorry. couldn't help it.
Yeah, he is kinda over-the-top with the yelling. On the other hand, anybody who's had to deal with one of those automated answering systems -- where it takes forever to get through to a customer service rep -- then being asked a lot of irrelevant questions -- can understand the guy's frustration.
Anyway, Chai, I hoped it would give you a little laugh. I hope you're feeling better soon. :wink:
I would have told him where the off button was.
I would have told him to try to hold the button down for a minute.
The guy was yelling, using profanity, that was true, but I felt his frustration with that particular rep.
I know the CSR has to follow procedure, but, it didn't matter what the serial #, OS, his phone # was matter what kind of computer it was, one of the solutions he would have been told to try would have been to hold down the button for a long time.
Why the CSR couldn't have thrown that in there somewhere is wrong. He's had people call with that problem before, he knows what the solution most likely is.
He could have at least said "Other people have called with this problem, and I know it's frustrating. But there is a solution, so if I can get some info from you, I'll be able to tell which one it is." The guy, angry as he was, proabably felt stupid in some part of his mind, not being able to figure out how to turn off a computer. Let him know he's not alone.
I had someone come into my office yesterday, I was alone and she stormed down the hall calling "hello, hello" until she got to my office. She was really really frustrated, verging on anger. The office park I work in can be kinda confusing to figure out, and she came in, immediately telling me that the addresses were all wrong and and she can't figure out which building this is and why isn't the place she wants to be where it should be, which is the building she was standing in.
I could have been a prick and just told her she had the wrong address, the wrong street even, and I had no idea where she wanted to go. But, instead I said "Oh God, yeah, people come in here all the time turned around. It's confusing. Here, (going over to my window and pointing up a hill) see where that red car is driving? That's the street you want to be on. I don't know what building you want, but it's on that street"
She blustered a little, but with less anger, and said "Oh, yeah...the building I want is right next to you, but on that street" I said "yeah, it's weird, when I first came here, I'd get lost coming to work" She left in a much better mood.
Sometimes all a person needs is someone to acknowledge that what they're angry at isn't all in their heads, and they're not dumb.
I hate it when you hear someone use that "I see that you're frustrated" or, "I hear what you saying"....oh spare me that condescending management phychology crap. Let the person know they've got a damn good point being pissed, and here's the short answer on how to fix your problem.
Bad mood can be cured by lunch.
Which was suggested by you something like 2 weeks ago..
now that the mister and little bean are better, and not going to the hospital every other day ..
shewolfnm wrote:Bad mood can be cured by lunch.
Which was suggested by you something like 2 weeks ago..
now that the mister and little bean are better, and not going to the hospital every other day ..
well...any weekend is fine with me.
where and when? Your choice, my treat.
Chai wrote: I am in a really bad mood.
Sounds like you need the services of
Dr. Chai. She'll fix you right up.
Chai, some chocolate might fix you up a little?
I've been in a bad mood for at least 20 yrs.
Chai wrote:Sometimes all a person needs is someone to acknowledge that what they're angry at isn't all in their heads, and they're not dumb.
On the nose. You made that woman's day better. What you are saying about that dolt who couldn't articulate the simplest information, unfortunately, he is like the weeds-- pull one up and two grow in its place.
In Buddhist tradition they use the image of throwing a rock into a still pond, you see the ripple effects-- it refers to being mindful of your actions and how they affect others.
Gala wrote:Chai wrote:Sometimes all a person needs is someone to acknowledge that what they're angry at isn't all in their heads, and they're not dumb.
On the nose. You made that woman's day better. What you are saying about that dolt who couldn't articulate the simplest information, unfortunately, he is like the weeds-- pull one up and two grow in its place.
In Buddhist tradition they use the image of throwing a rock into a still pond, you see the ripple effects-- it refers to being mindful of your actions and how they affect others.
In bearism... we tell them to think before they speak... kick them in the crotch and say "But for now just STFU".