dlowan wrote:
I believe that film to be a tarradiddle and anti-hummingbird!
Debbickle, your link was instructive, but not pertaining to the question at hand....
was informative, wasn't it? Whereas I knew birds were big on dining out, it never once occurred to me that they carry doggy bags. As to not being pertinent, well, don't you be impertinent. After all, it was you what raised the crops.
What does appear pertinent is that there is a whole body of literature, none of which comes to mind or to hand at present, which documents the fact that the class of things which creep, crawl or crap includes hummingbirds. Now your typical bird is not prone to creep or crawl, but I know by close observation that they do crap, and by implication, fart. It's only a slight directional shift to posit they burp, as well, or as little.
Moreover, hummers do not, to my knowledge, eat. They drink, lots, and not just in piffling sips; they use damn suction hoses. I have no firsthand evidence of their burpings; being such modest critters, they most likely emit them quietly and unto themselves, with no more sound than the popping of a champagne bubble.
So that's the situation in these parts during the months of summer; what these tiny dypsos get up to when they've buzzed off to scarf margaritas and other such southern comforts may be an entirely different can of worms, or whatnot. Big blowouts may well be the norm when the little farts are in Margaritaville; you know, changes in latitude, changes in attitude.