contrex wrote:Sorry, I'll try and make it clearer.
I was taken aback by Chai's comment that if "Jesus", whose historical existence is disputed, were to have been killed by a time-traveller, "we" would all be Muslims. Hence the quoted material.
I ventured to suggest that perhaps there was at least one already existing religion (Judaism) which would not have been cancelled out by such an act.
I used [sarcasm] and [/sarcasm] tags, itself a sarcastic device, before and after that remark.
I was attempting to implicitly express amusement at Chai's notion that everybody ("we") is either a Christian or a Muslim, and ruefully ponder on what sort of person might hold such a notion.
Sorry if I was too obscure.
You know, you're right....
When I posted that, my mind was on all the R&S threads around here re Jesus.
Of course....Judaism would continue and may very well play a much larger role today.
Let me restate....
If there was such a person as Jesus, or some kind of prototype from which christianity evolved, and that person had died while still a baby, the world would be a very different place.
Christianity would not exist, or would be in a very different form.
If christianity evolved from a fictitious history, and one of the people who molded the idea of Jesus did not live, the absence of his contribution would be felt mightily.
Since of course Jesus is mentioned in the Koran, either the absence of him, or a different version of him, would effect the Koran, and effect Islam.
So, either Jesus, or a key person that contributed to the making of a figure known as Jesus today.
Wow. What a book that would make. The possibilities are endless as to how different the world would be.