Thu 10 Jan, 2008 01:35 am
Everyone has a favored clock gobbler or two, whether at work or at home. What's yours?
Oh, let me think. There's a2k, there's freecell, there's a2k. . . .
Do turkeys greet the dawn like roosters? Now there's an interesting image of a clock gobbler.
online backgammon. addictive.
nip/tuck episodes
yahoo games
today's CG is an excel file quiz with photos of 270 bands...
Where do I find this Excel spreadsheet?
i got it in an e-mail.
looks like you can download it
damn this thread.
I keep seeing cock gobblers..
It's called projecting, shewolf
Chumly wrote:sex rears its ugly head
If you rearrange these words, it gets worse.... :wink:
How disarming, where's the glock cobbler?
shewolfnm wrote:damn this thread.
I keep seeing cock gobblers..

what use do you have for cock gobblers? that would be like me seeing gynecologists.
I've been spending a lot of time playing online scrabble against the computer lately.
Yours, Chumly. She is secretly in your hard drive playing scrabble while you are away... :wink:
it's called ....... solitaire scrabulous