Fri 4 Jan, 2008 09:30 pm
Ima look old here, but, Huh?
I even googled....
You are L7, Rockhead.
Sad, really sad, because I like you and all but you are L7 and I'm sorry.
OK, you sunk my battleship....
Yes, I did sink your battleship. And I hate that. Because you are pretty cool.
But unless you can mention one of the two things I'm thinking of you are L7 and there is no way around it.
My entire family is L7.
I might have to leave here.
Sonpad doesnt know either
L7 is the old, maybe even the ancient, L7.
2 Packs gets it.....
Ima go post on the what made you smile thread, cuz I'm too young for the square thing.... :wink:
One of my favorite bands.
I'll have you know I'm proud to be L7
You're so Maynard G. Krebs, boomer.
I have underwear that is labeled L7.
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That was funny, pd.
I have no clue what L7 is.
Yer about to exceed my education.
CJ, it's a square thing, not cool, outta the flow, no real math involved.