First of all, I'm here, so you don't have to write about me in 3rd person.
Secondly, what are you talking about? What new immigrant? I have been paying taxes in this country just like you for 12 years now.
That was just cheap of you.
cjhsa wrote:I find Dag's post to reek of the "new immigrant" smell. Whatever happened to "When in Rome...".
I think many perceive their newfound American freedom as the right to impose their will on the people that have lived here for generations. I can't help but disagree.
....not to mention irrelevant. i said i will not get into a discussion with you. How is that "imposing my will on people who live here for generations?"

But I am sure you will think of new insults. See if I care.
You are certainly full of Christmas cheer today, cj. Somebody run over your decoy?
And you'd been playing so nice lately with the other kids...
the dickwads on this forum continually bite their own ass. there are guite a large number of moderate and yes, even extreme liberals such as meself that are gun owners here. it is the constant barrage by fanatic a$$holes that move us gun owners further and further away from supporting gun ownership. I believe this also applies to US society in general and I expect over the coming years gun restrictions will become more and more severe due solely to gun fanatics and their idiotic ranting. So when it comes to losing my gun owning rights I will look for the shiksas to blame.
Sure ya will.... because you cannot blame yourself.... being apathetic and pawning the blame off on someone else is a classic extreme liberal thing to do...
cjhsa sure is one hell of a dickwad. He condemns himself out of his own mouth. He is the classic stereotype of the "ugly American".
Dag - I am sorry, my comments to you were over the top. Still, my impression from A2K is that most of those here that oppose firearms ownership are not from the U.S.
contrex wrote:cjhsa sure is one hell of a dickwad. He condemns himself out of his own mouth. He is the classic stereotype of the "ugly American".
Anything that ticks off a Frenchman, real or imaginary, makes me

Don't see what the issue of gun ownership and being American or not have to do with one another. It's a policy that's universal.
I'm against weapons (not shotguns) because there are too many loony-tunes out there with them and that's what causes much of the problem.
A young kid was killed here by another guy outside a nightclub. He was showing off his gun, shot it into the air, was chided by the young kid and promptly shot and killed the kid. If there hadn't been a gun in the hands of a lunatic, that kid wouldn't have died.
All those Canadian gun restrictions are really working eh?
Quote:Don't see what the issue of gun ownership and being American or not have to do with one another.
"Gun control" is more or less exclusively a US domestic issue; in Europe it is a non-issue.
contrex wrote:Quote:Don't see what the issue of gun ownership and being American or not have to do with one another.
"Gun control" is more or less exclusively a US domestic issue; in Europe it is a non-issue.
Precisely why we have to keep saving France!!!
cjhsa wrote:Precisely why we have to keep saving France!!!

Tell a bit more about your time fighting in the forces to save Europe, cjhsa.
I demand the FREEDOM to shoot lead into my fellow man!
And everybody else should have the FREEDOM to do that to me!
Civilisation's a wonderful thing.
Setanta wrote:Jim wrote:I also find it curious that so many people who are vocal on the subject of restricting gun ownership are silent on the subjects such as of drunk driving, that kill many times more people.
What is your evidence that this is true? For example, i don't oppose people owning firearms, but i do oppose private citizens owning hand guns. I also oppose drunk driving, and consider that the law has continued to be far too lenient on repeat offenders. Just how did you arrive at your rather snotty conclusion that people who are vocal on the subject of restricting gun ownership are silent on such subjects? Got some evidence for that?
A "snotty conclusion"? Normally you're a gentleman Setanta. I expected more from you than that.
And how did I reach my conclusion "that people who are vocal on the subject of restricting gun ownership are silent" regarding drunk driving? How many threads are current on A2K now about guns? And how many about drunk driving?
Referring to your remark as snotty hardly disqualifies my demeanor toward you--you've always been courteous to me, and i have attempted to be courteous in return. If you find a characterization of your remark as snotty to be an insult, i suggest your skin is too thin.
Of the gun threads on A2K, how many are started by those who oppose gun control, and how many by those who favor it? How many are started by Cjhsa alone? My anecdotal experience is that opponents of gun control are far more likely to bring the topic up. In fact, when i saw a thread the other day initiated by someone who favors gun control, i was surprised.
I suggest that if you start a thread on drunk driving, although you'll likely get responses, you won't get anything like the kind of response that people make to gun control threads, and i doubt if you'll get many anti-gun control people or gun control people. I couldn't say for sure, though, you could try starting a thread and see.
Somewhere in Colorado about 1000 parishoners are out buying carry guns today.