Mon 3 Dec, 2007 02:52 am
Im leaving you skiddlybye.
Its my last day at this hell hole.
Thank you to all you lovely people on this forum, to those who have PM'd me, helped me, made me laugh, whacked me in the face with a wet haddock.
I shall try to pop back to update you on the ole heart business.
But for now, adieu.
Ah no! You will be missed
Oh mg, don't say you're going.
Perhaps you can save enough with a new job to buy a puter for yourself
And YES, please let us know what's going on with your medical stuff.
Pop in when you can. We'll miss you, m'girl.
Thanks guys.
I do have a compooter at home but given the choice I dont want to be sat infront of it all day like I am here at work.I shall visit every now and again.
Il be back for advice and cyberflirting.
There are internet cafes you know, mg! :wink:
All the very best with the job hunting. I hope things work out. And quickly.
Make sure to come back & tell us all about it, hear?
Does your public library have computer access?
Please check in frequently--we'll miss you.
Hold your dominion.
I have a compooter at home but dont want to be sat infront of it all day like I am here at work.
Thank you for missing me.
Remember, you're walking off in the middle of several exciting stories: Your heart and health. Your fledgling business. Your new career...
We deserve the next chapters.
Noddy24 wrote:MG--
Remember, you're walking off in the middle of several exciting stories: Your heart and health. Your fledgling business. Your new career...
We deserve the next chapters.
Well as long as my naughty heart doesnt make me pop my clogs early I shall be happy to give you my next installment of taking over the world of jewellery.
mg, I never liked you anyway.
I understand, but I'll miss you. Please do stop in whenever you can. I will look forward to it.
Ah, you'll miss us...
just like we'll miss you. Pop in when the urge occurs..
dyslexia wrote:mg, I never liked you anyway.
And i have no idea who you are, please refrain from posting on my thread.....[size=7]you gorgeous hunk[/size]
Sorry to see you leave, mg. I hope you check in occasionally when the mood strikes you.
is she gone yet, can we start talking about her
Aw shucks! What heart problems? Why is she leaving? Where'd she go?
I'll miss you too, MG.....