West Texas 1971
Had '55 Ford Blue and White.
Bought for $250.oo from little old staff sargent's little old wife.
He was always overseas and she didn't drive but to church.
Had 42,850 miles on it when I bought it
and the
original white wall tires.
When it got to 49,979 I called my girl Jeannie West and told her we were going on a special date.
She got all dressed up.
I picked her up at her dad's house and we headed out 208 with the sun just starting to set.
About ten miles out of town the Ford rolled over the 50,000 mark.
I was excited for her.
Jeannie? Not so much.

We drove back to town, had an olive burger at McIntyre's and that was about it.
Joe(I called the staff sargent's wife. She was pleased to hear all about it)Nation