(1) Any person who--
(a) having no visible lawful means of support or insufficient lawful means, does not, on being charged before a court, give to its satisfaction a good account of the person's means of support;
(b) is the occupier of a house frequented by reputed thieves or persons who have no visible lawful means of support;
(c) being an habitual drunkard, behaves in a riotous, disorderly, or indecent manner in any public place;
(d) habitually consorts with reputed criminals or known prostitutes or persons who have been convicted of having no visible lawful means of support;
(e) in a house or place frequented by reputed thieves or persons who have no visible lawful means of support, is found in company with reputed thieves or such persons, and does not, on being charged before a court, give to its satisfaction a good account of the person's lawful means of support, and of the person being in such house or place on a lawful occasion;
(f) plays or bets at any unlawful game, or plays or bets in any street, road, highway, or other public place at or with any table or instrument of gaming at any game or pretended game;
(g) without lawful excuse (the proof of which shall be upon the person)--
(i) is found in any dwelling house, warehouse, coach-house, stable, or outhouse, or in any enclosed yard, garden, or area, or on board any vessel in any port, harbour, or place, or in or upon any mine or claim as defined by the Mining Act 18983 or any Act amending or in substitution for the same;
(ii) has in the person's custody or possession any picklock key, crow, jack, bit, or other implement of housebreaking, or any dangerous or explosive substance;
(iii) has in the person's custody or possession any instrument of gaming or any instrument which, in the opinion of the court, is constructed or kept or used as a means of gaming or cheating;
(iv) wilfully exposes his or her person in view of any person in any public place;
(h) with intent to commit any indictable offence--
(i) has in the person's custody or possession any deleterious drug, firearm, sword, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon or instrument;
(ii) is found by night having the person's face blackened or masked, or wearing felt or other slippers, or being dressed in disguise or otherwise disguised, or having in the person's possession any dark lantern, electric torch, or any matches of the kind known as silent matches;
(iii) being a suspected person or known or reputed thief or cheat, is found in or on any river, stream, dock or basin, or any quay, wharf, jetty, landing place, or warehouse near or adjoining thereto, or any public place or place adjacent thereto;
(i) is found by night armed with any firearm as defined in section 2A of the Firearms Act 1905, as inserted by the Firearms Act 1927, or as defined by the Firearms Act 1927,4 sword, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon or instrument, and does not, on being charged before a court, give to its satisfaction a good account of the person's lawful means of support and a valid reason for the person being so armed;
(j) fraudulently manufactures or aids in the manufacture of any spurious or mixed metal or substance, or fraudulently sells or fraudulently offers for sale as manufactured gold or as gold in its natural state any metal or mixed or adulterated metal or other substance, whether partly composed of gold or not;
(k) loiters or places himself or herself in a public place to beg or gather alms or without the permission of the Commissioner in a public place or place of public resort solicits, gathers, or collects subscriptions or contributions;
(l) causes, procures, or encourages any child to loiter or place himself or herself in a public place to beg or gather alms;
(m) solicits, gathers, or collects alms, subscriptions, or contributions under any false pretence;
(n) imposes or endeavours to impose upon any person or institution, by any false or fraudulent representation either orally or in writing, or by means of dress, apparel, or otherwise, with a view to obtain money or other benefit or advantage;
(o) pretends or professes to tell fortunes for gain or payment of any kind;
shall be deemed to be a vagrant, and shall be liable to a penalty of $100 or to imprisonment for 6 months.
(1A) However, subsection (1)(a) shall not extend to any person who is bona fide out of work and who is bona fide in search of employment.
(2) Every implement, offensive weapon, instrument, drug, substance, and thing referred to in subsection (1)(g)(i) to (iii) and (h) to (j) shall, by the conviction of the offender, become forfeited to Her Majesty.