a flying pig would be a cool tattoo
I'll recommend that to Ticomaya...
ooooo that ossobucco looked SO good, its red sauce looks so much like the chili colorado I was swooming about earlier.
Happy birthday, osso! I hope you had a great day and got to do things that you like to do.
In honor of this special occasion......you may pet me.
Hi, Stray, sweets (I've got to saying sweetie from Diane, gddamned icky, I'm working on it. I'm much more sardonic than almost anyone.)
JLN, ossobuco, gddammit. NOT 2 C's. Straighten up!!
Happy Birthday Osso!
Do you live near route 66, if so...would be cool to take a photo standing near one of the signs.
I do indeed, maybe even too close. Diane is while-ing her way at this time in a hospital right there at I 25 and Central (66). There's a picture of Diane and Dys somewhere on the threads here, taken by me, of them, at the route 66 cafe.
Me, I'm sure I went through here with my parents in the fifties, once or twice (seeming visual blank, except for red earth, though not entirely). I remember Flagstaff better, as I got cowboy boots, or, cowgirl boots..
Photos of me, I usually like them, although I beat up on Walter up the kazoo once for posting a horrible one. Man, that engendered a lot of hoo-hah, some goodly portion of the hoo-hah from me.
ossobuco wrote:Ok, I'll be bald about my opinion: ..... Make candy, not war.
The homely arts are not low arts to me, but a way to relate across the earth.
I saw this right before I left a2k and did some work. Went to work smiling. Love the idea, kid. Never tried making candy, though. A tall order. But I've got other homely arts.
Happy, happy birthday, osso, woman with attitude!
Oops, I missed it. Hope it was happy.
Lalalaaaa... (for the authentic Joeblow experience, sing it off key)
HAP-PY - (sing this part really fast) two days after your birthday - to youuuuuu
HAP-PY - two days after your birthday - to youuuuuu
HAP-PY - two days after your birthday - dear OS-SO -o-o-o
HAPPY two days after your Birth-day
(repeat really fast) HAPPY two days after your Birth-day
(and again) HAP-PY two days after your Birth-day
Thanks, Jes and Joeblow, and I sing off key myself. It makes others feel more self-satisfied..