Well, we ate a lot of macaroni and ground beef, not to mention the dreaded powdered milk, too...the food ran out part-way through the month, and then there was mostly bread and butter and no fruit or veg at all. Lots of liver and potatoes, though.
I remember my sister and I (she was 10 and I was 9) making selling cookies and peppermints in the neighbourhood in order to have some spending money. We had to pay my mother back for the supplies first, though.
And I babysat 4 kids (in one family), ranging from 6 months to 6 years, for 25 cents an hour, when I was 10, and I did the housework, baths, dinners, and everything.
And my older sister and I sold Name-On (now Regal) at Christmas for extra cash - same ages, 9 and 10.
I think I had the first sidewalk sale
And we did the obligatory pop bottle collecting...
Course, this was back when popsicles were 6 cents, pop and chips 10 cents each... double-bubble was 2 cents... remember those good ol' days? heh heh