Re: Homo sapien: A Total Failure
Gargamel wrote:Look folks, we had a good run, but the overwhelming evidence that our species has run its course
no, i won't have people confusing civilization with a species. there are plenty of aborigines quite untaken with our b.s. - they have b.s. of their own, but hey, you could say the very same thing about squids going around squirting people with ink. i'm sure they have some kind of reason for it. i don't like wasps either. (and i also don't like those things that fly around and sting people, whatever they're called.)
in any case, a better title would have been "civlization: a total failure." but i think there's still room for evolution. maybe we won't go back to quite what we had prior to civilization, we'll move forward- to something else.
or maybe instead of trying to blanket the world with a single way of life, we'll become more of a patchwork again, this time because we
choose to be one. technoshamans, neo-amish and neo-aborigines, pioneers of the lunar frontier, and retro-puritans. and then of course there will be the mormons and quakers, who won't change for another 20,000 years. but you know what would be a great start? getting rid of our socialized civilization-indoctrination complex, also known as mandatory schooling.
instead, mandate that people go to the library and study whatever they please, and people will learn more, faster. knock down all the schools and juvenile detention centers, (part of civilization) and put up more libraries, and create a post-civilization renaissance. you could -debate- that libraries are part of civilization too, but hey, we kept relics of tribal life, i recommend keeping a few relics of "civilization" too. i wouldn't miss most of it- most people live entirely through television and movies anyway, so they wouldn't either.