Fri 24 Aug, 2007 12:15 pm
and not like that... ya freaks.
Im invading New Mexico in less then a week.

Im already working out in my head what we should pack,
had the car cleaned
Reserved a hotel for 4 nights? 5 nights? for 223.00 ! Because Diane -rocks- and finding great counter help at hotels. hehehe
I have even got the hubby excited.
( doin a jig )
I get to go home
i get to go home
i get to go home
laugh now.....
but wait until you actually see me do a jig
I envy you, you lucky woman.
Are you moving for good?
Or just visiting?
Congratulations on your trip home!
I'm happy for you!
I wish I was moving...
I really do. But this is just a visit
I will be excited, too, when I'll fly to Duke City the next time :wink:
I have a drea, last night of living in my friends house in Rio Rancho.
I have not seen her for .. 4years? Maybe longer?
But in my dream, her home looked just the same, she was just the same
and she had built me a home in her backyard and the rule was .. no children...
Wonderful, shewolf!
I'm officially excited for you, too!
Have a great time!
shewolfnm wrote:I have a drea, last night of living in my friends house in Rio Rancho.
I have not seen her for .. 4years? Maybe longer?
But in my dream, her home looked just the same, she was just the same
and she had built me a home in her backyard and the rule was .. no children...

Did you tell her that Dys is not your child, he just whines a lot?
You're gonna have so much fun! Enjoy, and be sure to come back and tell us all about it. Oh, and pictures. We need pictures!
thank goodness I dont breastfeed huh..
Rio Rancho? That's where my brother lives, Wolf Lady! Do me a favor and stop by his house with a tape measure and tell me if he's now six inches shorter after that damned tree fell on his head.
Are you planning on moving too?
I'd rather not. I'd miss California too much. I had a rough time with the altitude when I visited with my mom after she moved there.
Have a great time wolfgirl :-D
Butrflynet wrote:I'd rather not. I'd miss California too much. I had a rough time with the altitude when I visited with my mom after she moved there.
absolutely understood.
That is how I am feeling right now, and have felt for seven years, about new mexico.
I didnt think moving to texas would be an issue until my car was packed.
Then it just felt completely wrong.
I getcha. I really do.
Well, I surely getcha, butrflynet, as I've california in my bones.
I'm fine here, but I'm not avid. I like it, am getting attached, sometimes to some places.
On the other hand, it took me quite a while to be connected to redwood country after southern california. After six years, I was getting there, and I lost my sense of "those are glorious, but nothing to do with me" - having, perhaps to do with dozens of drives among the few cars on the road through a couple of hundred miles of redwoods. The redwoods won, and they're part of my comfort now. Hiking could have broken down my barriers faster, maybe, or maybe it's time related, but I'm not a hiker.