Thu 9 Aug, 2007 05:18 pm
In the interest of fairness a committee had been formed to accept applications to the Poopity Heads United.
please submit your request here and the Committee
will forward the names to me as I am the Poopity head decider.
I am not going to ask.... if you have to ask you aren't really a poopity head... I assume my poopity headedness....
Arrr, I spells pooopity with three ohs, the number of eyes in the back of me 'ead.
oh, wait, I don't have to go to committee meetings, much less take the minutes or bring doughnuts.
I'll consider applying.
How 'bout some biscuits and gravy for the applicants?
i would never join any organization that would consider having me as a member
What are the requirements to get in?
littlek wrote:Untie what?
I just had 2 glasses of wine, I was wondering if that said untie. HEE HEE
Not being a poopity head, I don't gevi a dman!
Do I get to put this job on my resume?
Oh, sorry. I just came in cause I thought Dys was undressing.
well, i want in. in fact *yooouuuu aaarrreeee geeetttiiiiiinnnnnggg sleeeeppy*
and you've already given me my membership card
*wwhoooo ooo oooo*
Dude, where's my card?
I'm thinking of challenging Dys as the Emperor of the Poopity Head tribe because he's a control freak.
HA! Dys can't control.... Uh, poopity!
And no one likes him.
I thought I was already a Poopity Head... do we have to apply every damn year? Is this just a money grab?
I can untie things with the best of them, so I shouldn't have to reapply, dammit.
Just a fair warning...
I applied for poopityhead status awhile back, and was snubbed. I am lodging a formal charge of discrimination with the office of fair poopityhead practice.
Do we all get special hats?????